1(O) works on faking/pivoting while 2 (O) works to get open. 2(D) faceguards and sits in the way of the upline. 3 is acting as Ace and just receiving the disc if it gets all the way around.
2(O) tries to go upline but can stop and go back for the dump swing.
If 2(O) goes back to dump swing, 2(D) slides over as quick as possible (more flat and toward the lane then toward the handler.
If 2(D) doesn't make it back in time, 2(O) pass up to 3.
Successful sequence includes 2(D) shutting down the upline and break swing,
(1) 1(O) works on faking/pivoting while 2 (O) works to get open. 2(D) faceguards and sits in the way of the upline. 3 is acting as Ace and just receiving the disc if it gets all the way around.