Initial set up - 3 handlers and 4 cutters. Imagine pitch divided into 4 lanes for cutting, handlers sit on the lines between lane 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4.
Cutter 3 initiates with an in cut to the break side, at the same time cutter 2 gives the deep option. Note the open lane 3 for a handler to throw an open side huck down.
Cutters 2 and 3 continue on their cuts - straight deep, angled under, giving the option for a big gainer to 2.
As cutter 3 is going deep already when cutter 2 receives the disc, they can continue for an opportunity to score.
(reset to step 3)
Next active pair would be cutter 3 and cutter 4. Cutter 1 will push further up as these two move into position
Cutter 3 can make their in cut as 4 goes deep, and we set up the next pattern for those two cutters.
As this is happening, the previous handlers (5, 6, 7) are moving upfield to rejoin the formation.
To make space for the handlers to move through properly, cutter 1 moves across lane (from lane 1, to lane 2) to make room for player 5 who will become a cutter. 3 and 4 continue their cutting pattern
Player 5 occupies lane 1, while the handlers (6 and 7) move to either side of 2. As handlers, we want to occupy 1/3 of the pitch each. The disc is still in the middle here, so the handlers go to either side.
The disc gets moved laterally between handlers. This changes the active pair of cutters to whoever is infront of the disc (cutters 1 and 5 now) so cutters 3 and 4 move back into their line. The cut pattern is the same, an angled in cut with a deep cut by the other player.
5 comes under at an angle for the disc, cutter 1 goes deep offering a scoring option for 5. Other players prepare to move through
In order to re-establish the cutting pattern, 1 makes a large angled under cut to create space for 4 to go deep as they are now the active pair. Player 3 moves up-field and gets ready to move lanes.
1 and 4 continue cutting patterns (straight deep, angled under) while 3 moves lane (into lane 3) to make space for 7 to become a cutter in lane 4. 6 and 2 prepare to move in line with the disc
Because the disc is near the left sideline, the handlers occupy the space towards the middle and right of the field.
As we reach the endzone there is little use for a ho-stack. Ho-stack creates space under the stack and deep of the stack. In the endzone the advantage is lost because there is no more deep space to attack, so we switch to a vert stack.
(1) Initial set up - 3 handlers and 4 cutters. Imagine pitch divided into 4 lanes for cutting, handlers sit on the lines between lane 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4.
Ho stack
Basic simulation of how ho-stack can be run. - currently unfinished

